Temporify, a Discord Music Bot
A companion to your discord servers; Temporify plays songs or podcasts in your voice channels during gaming sessions or background music during meetings using audio streaming from YouTube videos.
Why "Temporify"? It's a play off of our brain's temporal lobe responsible for our hearing senses, and Spotify.
Skills Learned
- Discord API based server
- Python's asynchronous library, asyncio
- Designing a chat-based interface
- Rickrolling office meetings
Python Chess Engine
A simple chess engine against an easy-to-beat computer.
Skills Learned
- Game interface with Python's PyGame
- Implementing Negamax for computer moves, a subset of the MinMax algorithm
- Engine speed optimizations using Alpha-Beta pruning, move-ordering, and threading
- Checkmating Stockfish 16 itself
Instagram Quotes
A bot that uploads daily picks of user quote submissions with a random image as the background.
Skills Learned
- Interacting with Instagram, instagrapi
- Scheduling daily posts, asyncio
- Implementing terminal-based admin controls
- Uploading memes
Sort Visualizer
Ever wondered how Bubble Sorting algorithm works? Look at the visual here!
Skills Learned
- Interactive client-side interface